We are pleased to advise that after a long break during COVID we are now recommencing our Practitioner's Training on 17th August. Practitioner's training is four hours in duration and is available for anyone who has completed the Hidden Sentence Training and equips practitioners to better understand and work with children affected by parental offending.
Register online by clicking here.
The course is ideal for Social Workers, teachers, pastoral staff, early years practitioners, health visitors, nurses, foster carers, resettlement and prison-based family engagement workers and others. A Practitioner’s Guide is provide to all participants in the course refers to key research and theory in order to highlight the impact of offending on the whole family. With a visual and practical combination of tools, diagrams, practice tips and substantial resource lists, it then equips practitioners to provide effective community-based responses, from assessment and support planning onwards. The Guide is built on four essential practice foundations:
1. Children's Rights 2. Understanding the stages of the Criminal Justice System 3. Multi-agency Working 4. Safeguarding
Key issues covered include: telling the children about family member offending, organising prison visits, answering parents' and children's frequently asked questions, assessing offenders' families' needs and including them in support plans, exploring feelings with children and providing age-appropriate information, managing children's behaviour and supporting them to cope with change, keeping in touch, and much more.