Just Desserts (JD) exists because of commitment of a small number of dedicated professionals and passionate volunteers.
Our Partner include:
Tasmanian Government:
Magistrates: refer participants to the program. Magistrates and former magistrates are represented on the committee.
Community Corrections: Court Diversion Officers (CDOs) from Hobart, Launceston and the North West case-manage CMD participants and attend JD meetings.
The Salvation Army (SA): operates initiatives supporting at-risk people in society. Many participants in the CMD program are assisted by SA programs in the community.
JusTas: is a Tasmania organisation promoting reconciliation, mutual respect and tolerance between groups with a particular focus on individuals in the criminal justice system.
ATDC: is the peak body representing community organisations to reduce alcohol, tobacco and other drug related harm for all Tasmanians.
DEN: Resources, informs and connects members of community in safe relationship empowering them for physical, mental, and emotional well being.
City Mission: operates the Missiondale Therapeutic Community offering a therapeutic approach to drug-free lifestyles following addiction.
UTAS: Conducts research into the Tasmanian criminal justice system supporting therapeutic justice, including drug courts and other alternatives to imprisonment,
Onesimus: Engages with people with convictions, their families and the communities affected by imprisonment in Tasmania and provides administrative support for Just Desserts.
JRI: Justice Reform Initiative is an alliance of Australians committed to reforming the criminal justice system.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller

Just Desserts wishes to express appreciation to the the following organisation who have contributed financially or through gifts in kind to this program.
Rotary - Sandy Bay: is part of an international network of business, professional and community leaders who strive to make the world a better place. The Sandy Bay chapter has contributed financially..
Thread Together: collects brand new unsold clothing from all around the country, saving it from landfill. We partner with charities and social service agencies to distribute it to people doing it tough.
GOOD360: is a global leader in product philanthropy and purposeful sourcing essential goods for distribution through a network non-profits.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead